What is Smile Design?

Smile Design

It is possible to say that it has been on the agenda in recent years.
Smile design, which is wondered by many people, is one of the first concepts that comes to mind when it comes to aesthetic dentistry.

Smile design is the applications made to obtain a natural and aesthetic appearance of the teeth and gums, which have deteriorated aesthetically for any reason, by considering both the face shapes and the needs of the patient.

Every person laughs differently and it is possible to say that everyone has a unique way of smiling. The smile, which reflects the mood of the person, is also among the indicators that have important effects on the mood. Thanks to the studies in the field of aesthetic dentistry, anyone who has problems with their teeth and gums can have a more pleasant and aesthetic smile.

Is it healthy to have a smile design?

Perfect Smiles Are Totally Healthy!

The good news is that smile design does not harm your natural teeth. Smile design is a safe procedure when you want to enhance the natural beauty of your smile. At every stage, it is aimed to protect natural teeth and make them healthier.

It is now very easy to get healthy and natural teeth with smile design. Thanks to the developed aesthetic dentistry technology, you have the chance to shape your teeth as you want.

Things to Consider While Performing Smile Design Treatment

Since the smile design is designed specifically for each person, aesthetic dentist specialists have requirements that need attention.
There are smile design features that will take care of the shape of the face, gender, the process of aging, the shape of the eyes and nose and provide their golden ratio. First, the person’s oral and dental health should be regulated, and then it should be decided whether it is suitable for treatment.